While some people may not think that tax and accounting topics make for exciting headlines--we do! Here's a quick round up of five tax-related headlines that impact many business owners heading into Q4.
Topics: Tax Topics, Business Planning & Operations
Searching for an open position with an accounting firm can be intimidating for anyone preparing to enter the workforce for the first time. There are many factors to consider when thinking about how to start your career and what experiences will be valuable to gain in your first job as an accountant. An accounting internship is a great way test the culture and environment of an accounting firm to see if they're a ‘good fit’ for you.
Topics: News
Does Your Business Provide Parking? Beware of TCJA
While the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) is generally considered to be very business-friendly, there are many provisions implemented to pay for the cuts that can be treacherous for business taxpayers. One of these, Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 274(a)(4), specifies that “no deduction shall be allowed… for the expense of any qualified transportation fringe…provided to an employee of the taxpayer.” While the qualified transportation fringe includes many items such as bicycle reimbursements, transit passes, and carpool vehicles, the most impactful change by this code section is for “qualified parking.”
Topics: Accounting Hot Topics
The Financial Accounting Standards Board "FASB" has proposed a one year delay in the effective date required for private companies to implement the new lease accounting rules Leases Topic 842.
Topics: Accounting Hot Topics
New Regulations Help Clarify Qualified Opportunity Zones
The IRS released new proposed regulations for Qualified Opportunity Zones on April 17, 2019. The new regulations seek to clarify the vague statutory language of Internal Revenue Code Section 1400Z-1 and 1400Z-2, outlining the tax benefits of Qualified Opportunity Zones.
Topics: Tax Topics
Is Your Tax Return Vulnerable to Identity Theft?
The damaging impact of identity theft can be devastating and long-lasting. When we send off our tax returns to the IRS we assume our information is safe. But did you know that the simple act of filing your tax return could put you at risk for identify theft?
Topics: Tax Topics
It's important for Not-For-Profit (NFP) organizations to stay current on ever-changing accounting standards that may impact their financial reporting. In August 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Accounting Standards Update (ASU) No. 2016-14, Not-for-Profit Entities (Topic 958): Presentation of Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities.
Topics: Accounting Hot Topics, Nonprofit
IRS Establishes Safe Harbor for Rental Enterprises Under 199A
Tax practitioners and industry leaders alike have been offering comments and posing questions to the IRS after the proposed regulations were released for the new Section 199A Qualified Business Income deduction. The IRS has worked diligently to analyze and clarify the new law, and issued final regulations on January 18, 2019.
Topics: Tax Topics
Capital Gains Savings & Qualified Opportunity Funds
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) is the largest overhaul of the United States tax code in a generation. There has been much reporting about the change in the tax rates, the new benefits available for business taxpayers, and the advantages and disadvantages of many of the changes to existing law. One of the more under-reported benefits, however, arises from something that is new with the TCJA – the concept of Qualified Opportunity Funds (QOFs). To the educated taxpayer, QOFs can mean potential tax savings and the chance to invest in the future of some of America’s most needy areas.
Topics: Tax Topics, Accounting Hot Topics
Section 199A Confusion: Specified Service Trade or Business
We’ve written before about the Section 199A deduction of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). The new law allows individuals and trusts to take a deduction of up to 20% of qualified business income, or QBI, from a domestic qualified trade or business.
However, there is a limitation placed on the deduction if your taxable income is over a certain threshold - $157,500 for a single filer, $315,000 for married filers – relating to qualified business income that is earned from a “specified service trade or business” (SSTB).
If you're confused already, here's what you need to know to understand how Section 199A impacts your taxable income.
Topics: Tax Topics, Accounting Hot Topics